Monday, October 22, 2012

Data Tracking and Security vs. Privacy

Portable devices tend to acquire a lot of personal data, over time. ,

The tracking of practically anything is just too irresistible for those with such power.
Any database linked to special supercomputers can reveal peculiar data on various people, places & other things.
Unlike computers, people have to be motivated or rewarded to provide data on anyone or anything they know.

{"Supporters say changing building numbers isn't such an unusual thing. After all, they say, when President Reagan left office, he and Nancy took up residence at 666 St. Cloud Road in Bel-Air but had the address changed to 668 to avoid the "number of the beast."} , 666-668
R. Reagan & 666 house.
Regan_MacNeil was played by Linda_Blair who was at the top of a 666 building.
"The roof of the building can be seen (fittingly) in John Boorman's Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)." , 

Even if astrology is suppose to be nothing more than just B$, an interested person can create interconnected computer programs based on astrology for the purpose of life pattern research.

Either an organized pattern of energy known as the universe created it self, or something created it. If the universe isn't like a running program, various simulations still reveal tremendous amounts of coincidence & synchronicity.
Regardless of how things are actually existing & running, I like to symbolically visualize a cosmic DVD-BD.  
And then think of something like a cosmic hard drive.

"The series draws on numerous elements of both European and Asian mythology, most notably the cyclical nature of time found in Hinduism and Buddhism, the concepts of balanceduality, a matter-of-fact respect for nature found in Daoism, as well as a creation story paralleling that of Christianity in "The Creator" (Light) and "The Dark One". It was also partly inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace." of , , , , , , , ,

If the universe isn't like a running interactive program, supercomputers can still reveal many mind boggling  data-points about the nature of reality. There is a cosmic pattern of space & time, but many still can't seem to perceive it.